Thursday, April 15, 2010

Does your Doctor Really Listen to You?

What makes a good doctor?

A good doctor listens to you, respects your knowledge, health research that you have done and is open to discuss all options in addressing your health issues in the most comprehensive and rational manner.

More details at


What has been your experience? Do you get the proper respect that you deserve from your doctor?



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Does your Doctor Really Listen to You?
Okay, I have a doctor and now he get transfered to another hospital. Recently I go to see my new doctor and he really is a terrible doctor. I personally called him 'doctor-by-book' because he didn't even listen to what I'm saying, didn't respect for my knowledge and my opinion about my condition and didn't even want to discuss about my health issues at all! Then he gave me a date for another appointment and guess what the date was one year after the appointment I attended that day! Damnit! He said that my condition is not that serious (without listen to what I'm saying of course!) and there are a lot more people need to be treated before me.

Yeah I can understand that but if it's already a year of waiting I think I've enough..tsk... I hope I can switch to another doctor because like I said before the doctor I have right now is just a doctor-by-book. He only became a doctor probably because he's just smart and whatever...
Reply:I definitely do not. my doctor does not listen to me even though I have real symptoms. i sometimes feel like im talking to a wall or a person just trying to get out. if i ask for a referral i cant get one. she wont even listen to my past health problems, even though I have proof! its really crazy, someboyd has to do something about the medical system! i feel like its the middle ages and i better start praying...
Reply:Mine didn't listen to me. She pretended to.
Reply:I think I have been incredibly lucky. I have had the same GP as my family doctor, who was my dad's doctor since he was in college. He has extensive experience in treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries, and will insist on attempting physical therapy before he'll prescribe anything.

He has exemplary humility, as I found out when I spoke with him about my depression. He didn't pretend to know more than the basics of the situation, and took the research that I presented to him very seriously, and encouraged me to continue my own study of it, while at the same time pursuing his own investigation. When our conversation got beyond the realm where he felt comfortable making medical decisions, he got me an appointment with a psychological professional.

No matter how much I overreact to a perceived ailment, he is never condescending, always explains things clearly, and does whatever it takes to make me feel comfortable that I am not at any risk.

I wish more people could have experiences like this, since from what I've heard this is probably 1 in a 1000 type of experience with a doctor.

One of the best ways to get this kind of situation, is to just talk with the doc. see how much time he's willing to spend just explaining to you what might be wrong, and how to deal with it. Avoid clinic doctors with the 'treat-em %26amp; street-em' attitude. And once you've found someone you're comfortable with, stick with that doctor as long as possible, because the more history he has with you, the better he can adjust your treament to you.

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