Monday, April 26, 2010

I was recommended a diet product, and I was wondering if anyone had info or results on the diet pill Lipoplex?

Two people had recommended me this product. I became suspicious when each person gave me a link to the same product, but with different link titles. Both these people told me the trial was free and I only had to pay S%26amp;H ($5 or $6). While I was researching the pill I found out if you ordered the product, you'd automatically be put on the "premium consumer list", which meant your credit card would be paying the full price (about $100) if you didn't cancel the order within 14 days. So two questions and a message: does lipoplex work? is it a scam? and beware if it is a scam of these links ( Thanks!

I was recommended a diet product, and I was wondering if anyone had info or results on the diet pill Lipoplex?
By the way you're describing your experience with the price, it seems like a scam to me. You shouldn't be taking diet pills anyways, it's bad for your health.

dog teeth

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