Monday, April 26, 2010

Are you aware of the danger of using Cytotec for inducing childbirth?

A lovely woman, I recently met, lost both her healthy thirty-two year old daughter and grandchild because of a scheduled birth induction in the hospital with the drug Cytotec. This drug can cause death in the mother and baby if used during pregnancy. Please research this drug and see for yourself if you want either you or your baby exposed to it. You are the consumer. Do your research so that you and your partner can make educated decisions during childbirth.

Cytotec: Black Box Warnings


use in pregnant women can cause abortion, premature birth, or birth defects; uterine rupture reported w/ use to induce labor or abortion past 8th wk of pregnancy; do not use to decr. advise pts of abortifacient property and warn not to give to others

Take a look at this link to read about the dangers of Cytotec.

Are you aware of the danger of using Cytotec for inducing childbirth?
My hospital still uses it from time to time, which really irritates me. There has been enough documentation to support it's risks, but I guess the old-school doctors still have their faith in it until they see something really bad happen firsthand. It's sad.

Having said that, and knowing the dangers, all of the times I have ever had patients who were being ripened / induced with cytotec have not had any major complications. One woman went into hypertonus of the uterus (a sustained contraction) but it was quickly alleviated with terbutaline.

I would encourage all women to talk at length with their doctors about the chosen induction methods. Cervidil works wonderfully for ripening and pitocin is the standard tried and true method of induction.
Reply:Thanks for sharing this here. I don't think that most women know about how dangerous a drug this can be.

As a doula I am sure to share with my clients the hazards of this dangerous drug.

A warning from Cytotec's own manufacturer against using it on pregnant women for the purposes of induction.
Reply:thanks for letting us know
Reply:I recently heard about the effect of Cytotec on a documentary, and I looked into it immediately. I knew as soon as I heard about what the effects were that it was the reason I had nearly died at birth. A known side effect in inducing in a pregnant woman that has already has a C-section is a ruptured uturus. When my mother gave birth to me, her uterus ruptured from the drug, and both my mom and I nearly died. I am almost 21, and I think it is ridiculous that they have not banned its use already, especially with all the C-sections there are today. I plan to study it a lot more now, and I agree that we need to raise awareness on the issue.

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