Saturday, April 17, 2010

Beauty products that really work?

consumers digest has a magazine that tests and rates cars and appliances and so on. the funds for the research and the printing of the magazine comes from the consumers purchasing it. all this has nothing to do w/ the companies paying them to pick there own product by bribes, advertisements and etc. My question is this: are there any such magazines, webs etc. that offer the same honest tests and results on beauty products such as wrinkle creams, shampoos, conditioners, etc. and the ingredients that really are the best? I absolutely 100% know and believe that NAME BRAND PRODUCTS are simply that, JUST A NAME YOU ARE PAYING FOR. Even the "testimonies" from so called dermatologists are B.S. They are paid to say what they say.

If you're going to answer this, please notice what i am asking for IS NOT personal opinions of particular products such as Mary Kay (total over priced junk, I used to be a "consultant") etc. etc. but rather documentation of comparisons and results of products

Beauty products that really work?
Check out the book "Facercise" by Carol Maggio.

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