Monday, April 26, 2010

How do I purify ground water tainted with chemicals? (I'm trying to teach how)?

Everything is connected, I am sorry if my words travel. I wish for my words to reflect my thought process so others may understand my teachings as valuable. I'm going to teach an school class. I wish my words to have deep truthful value. I know, I am from the Earth and I find the earth to be truth. People have called me "native", but I don't quite understand really why. I have came to understand that everything that man has created comes from elements found in the natural world, or from the Earth. My goal is to get names of todays consumer products that common people buy at big block stores. The products that each race and color of the planet, buys (in america). Once I have names, I wish to research into each of the individual building blocks that makes the product as a whole. I than will be able to look into each individual element to see what natural or earthly matterials it has came from. Eventual I can hopefully than collect them from the woods or natural world. I wish to take my students on a trip into the woods and show them. Lol, this make sense? It's kinda from the top, down. I wish to teach people true values and this is how I can. Spirituality is connected to everything, this is what my grandfather said. His words are becoming truth to me, as I try to teach. Does anyone have any names of products that can purify ground water tinted with chemicals?

How do I purify ground water tainted with chemicals? (I'm trying to teach how)?
I have a Katydyn water purifier. It is a level three which is good enough for any water found in North America. Level 4 is will even work in third world country. My katydyn cost 70 dollars. If you are looking for a cheaper fix, boiling or iodine pills

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