Saturday, April 17, 2010

What would you change [for the better] about your cable company?

I'm doing research for a project in which I have do devise and implement a new strategy of running a business. In this case improving a cable company centered around the needs and whats of the consumer.

What would you change [for the better] about your cable company?
For one, being able to pick my own channels, therefore making my own menu so to speak .

How aggravating is it that you are paying for, not only surplus channels you do not watch, but also duplicate channels, by that I mean the same show is on at the same time on numerous channels.

Which is why I am seriously considering satelite.
Reply:You should be able to pay a la carte for single channels you want instead of subscribing to a general service which charges you one lump sum for their choice of channels. Most people only watch a few channels anyway. the other 50+ channels are a waste of money.

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