Monday, April 26, 2010

Can you repair your own bad credit?

I have recently researched information on repairing bad credit after bankruptcy, etc. It appears that items, whether true or false can legally be disputed from yourself as frequent as every 30 days. And, unless the credit bureau agencies can provide valid proof (from the original creditors) within a 30 day period, they must remove the derogatory credit from your file. Although it can take 2 - 3 times of writing dispute letters to actually get a response, this seems very interesting. It also appears that the FCRA is really in the consumers favor, but not really advertised to us because the 3 major bureaus profit from our credit history. Any experience/advice on someone cleaning up their own bad credit (not through credit repair scams)?

Can you repair your own bad credit?
What you suspect is absolutely true. I have done this myself. You send dispute letters to the credit bureau reporting the negative item(s) and say something to the effect "This is not mine get it off". The key is to HANDWRITE these letters, do NOT use a word processor. It will look less like a frivolous dispute that way and credit bureaus do not have to investigate frivolous disputes. The credit bureau has 30 days to verify the accuracy of the item and if they cannot then they must remove it from the credit report. it may take 60 days to get the results of your dispute, and many items might come off in the first attempt, but others may take several tries, so the whole process could take a year or two, depending on which credit bureau has the negative items and what these items are. The idea is that somewhere along the line someone at the original creditor will slip up and not verify the item in time. Keeps sending disputes until they do slip up. After about a year of doing this you will start to get notices from the credit bureau (Experian did this to me, and I just laughed) stating that it is impossible to get legitimate items off your credit report, and if you are paying someone to do this you are wasting your money. Don't believe them. They are lying. You CAN get legitimate negative items off your credit report because I have done it, many times.

One time a private outside collection agency had the AUDACITY to put a legitimate negative item on my credit report. I wrote them one (1) very indignant letter saying it was not me, it was someone else with the same name, and I had found three of me in the phone book so it had to have been the other guy, and to GET IT OFF my credit report because it was causing major problems. They took it off immediately. You do have to have one very determined set of balls to do this.

Taking out a loan and paying it back over time will do very little to improve your situation if your credit report has even 1 negative item on it. You've got to get rid of the derogatories first, then work on establishing an on-time payment history.

Credit advisors will probably only tell you about taking out a loan and paying it back over time because the whole idea of telling the credit bureaus that legitimate negative items are not yours is not exactly honest and ethical. But we are not talking honesty and ethics here; we are talking about getting the negatives off your credit report, and this is two different things.
Reply:Most credit advisor insiders have this for advice. If you have $500 or even better $1000 go to a local bank and deposit that into a savings account. Take a loan out using that 1000 as collateral. Deposit that loan money into another bank account and once again take a loan out and so on. Pay these loans down slowly and after a good 6-12 months this proven,safe and legal way will clean up your credit to A credit. It worked for me. I even paid for this info :)


Always check your credit. Dispute anything you didnt do. go to
Reply:Step-by-Step Credit Repair Guide: Bad credit can frustrate your efforts at getting a credit. Hence ensure you keep your credit report clean. If there are any errors in the report, undertake credit repair to clear out any errors. This can be tiring and frustrating, but highly rewarding. Though law recognizes and protects your rights, it is your duty to remove any anomalies in

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