Monday, April 26, 2010

Why do you shop at GNC?

GNC's products are usually double the cost of any other health food store. Why would you as a consumer spend your hard earned money at GNC when you can go to another health food store or the many online discount nutrition companies that are available? I am not a GNC basher. I am just a smart shopper and I just can't believe you would shop at GNC when they are ripping the public off. I will not list the cheaper alternative places that are available as that would be an advertisement violation. I will say look around and you will definitely find cheaper alternatives. Take a little time to research the many alternatives available and you will save alot more money. I did and I love the extra cash in my pocket.

Why do you shop at GNC?
I don't shop at GNC anymore. I used to always shop at GNC before I discovered the same thing. GNC's prices are much higher than most other nutrition shops. I think that people shop there only for the brand name and don't even bother looking other places. Good observation!
Reply:The reason they're a little bit more expensive is because if you have a membership you get 20% off. I've compared with wal-mart brand stuff and there really is no comparing when it comes to quality. I like to take care of my body and won't put just any junk in it. Report Abuse

Reply:I agree with you. I never go there because they are way too expensive.
Reply:Becuse unlike walmart and other super stores GNC is based on one concept. You wouldnt shop for food at an auto store would you? GNC has very good products and when you go for the finer products the ones that work better for your body, you do pay the price. Porche's arnt cheap. When you cut cost you do cut price of satisfaction. I mean how many people do you know like to groceryshop at the local doller store?
Reply:i don't shop there. they don't have anything that walmart doesn't carry.

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