Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Organic Product Consumers - Opinions Needed?

Hello - I am considering opening an organic beauty and cosmetics distributorship. It is similar to an Avon business, however, the products are USDA certified organic. The products and company are GREAT - offer skincare, cosmetics, household. However, the only concern is that the price points are higher than drugstore type products. The lipsticks are about $20, skincare basic package about $100. However, given the current market and concerns of "green" living in our country, I wonder if there is a market for the right consumer. Can you help me do some consumer buying research by giving me your opinion! Thank you.

Organic Product Consumers - Opinions Needed?
I don't pay that much for makeup or skincare and with the prices of gas and groceries going up, I'd rather go without makeup than spend that much on it.
Reply:If it is any form of Multi Level Marketing stay away....

Are you really up for selling door to door?

Do you have any plans already on how you are going to get sales and leads?

Selling to your friends isn't going to make you much and is going to get a lot of your friends ignoring your phone calls.
Reply:Personally, that would be too high for me, but I think there is a market if you can find the right location. Organic is very highly regarded in the UK. California, Colorado, Oregon; the western states would probably be more viable locations than say the mid west or the south. Up scale communities and suburbs would also be a likely target. Do a lot of research before you make your decision. Good Luck!

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