Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How reputable on the secret shopper companies asking for money for list of companies who need secret shoppers?

Found a company on Hot Jobs called Secret Consumer but could not locate any kind of address; tried Better Business Bureau but without any state or city could not get any info. These companies asking for money for their list of companies cannot be researched. Need help on this.

How reputable on the secret shopper companies asking for money for list of companies who need secret shoppers?
It's a scam do not give them any money.
Reply:They are not very reputable at all. You would do better finding secret shopper companies at your local public library.
Reply:if u can't locate a company, don't pay a cent. this is just a sort of piramid scheme. they give you a list of names, yes, but they don't follow through. Plus this kind of job is not as fun %26amp; easy as it sounds. They're very sporadic and there's no money to be made at it. in one month, I made a grand total of $15

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