Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hi i have a an assingment on consumer behaviour .It goes as follow..?

the individual coursework is based on a critical literature review of a consumer behaviour topic.identify a current {within last 5 yrs} consumption trend which u find interesting.find several 10 -15 research aticles pertaining to tahat consumption trend,which help explain wat the nature of trend is and y it is occuring.the coursework shuld include an introduction to ur choseen trend a review of the current academic literature on the topic and a conclusion whch outlines ur reactions to the trend your prediction 4 future.the main emphaisis should b on the critical literature review.a literature review provides an overview of existing knowledge in a topic area,and is based on journal articles.u should select key readings on topic frm current journals eg journal of consumer research.

Hi i have a an assingment on consumer behaviour .It goes as follow..?
How about ramen noodles and the craze in college students especially....

They are cheap, easy to prepare, can fill you up in a hurry....BUT what is the nutritional value? Are students being deprived of essential nutrients at the expense of convenience?!?!

You can google or go to for references.. It would be a fun topic! I'd hand in the assignment with a package of noodles for your teacher to try!!!
Reply:Hopefully, you're only looking for topic ideas. One recent trend comes to mind: downloading of music (iTunes and the like)
Reply:If you can't do it yourself I suggest you order one to be wroitten for you. Companies such as help with this kind of staff
Reply:Well, there's a lot of things you could research. Some things that come to my mind are:

- cell phones

-practicing yoga

-binge drinking among teens


Good luck!

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