Monday, May 4, 2009

What is consumer product research like, and is it something I would want to do?

It basically means you annoy the hell out of people by phone when they are trying to have dinner or you catch people in the mall when they are trying to avoid you.

Would you enjoy this? Probably not. It's usually a job of last resort. Try for something else first but if it's this or unemployment then give this a shot but keep your eyes open for something that won't be so tough on you (and others).

What is consumer product research like, and is it something I would want to do?
It's mostly a lot of talking on the phone, asking questions.

There are some research marketers who conduct in person research, food tasting, focus groups, etc.

Here in Cincinnati, Proctor and Gamble has a big building where people come to do things like smell floor cleaners in fake kitchens among other things.

broken teeth

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